Mystical Warrior Misprint!

Hey everyone,

Some–only SOME–copies of Mystical Warrior are missing the last couple of chapters.  If you happen to get one, you can take it back to the bookstore (including Wal-mart and Target), show them the book, and get your money back.  Or, you could check the ones they might have in stock to make sure they’re NOT misprinted, and the store should exchange it for you.  Or, you can have them order you a new copy in exchange for the bad one. (Except Wal-mart and Target, because they don’t order individual books. You’ll just have to get your money back from them.)

I’m so sorry this happened to some of you.  I would be bummed to have read an entire book and have it abruptly stop very near the end. (Someone told me the misprint stops right in a love scene. Yikes!  Talk about leaving a person hanging!)  But, thankfully, it appears only a few books were misprinted, not ALL of them.

Thanks so much for your understanding.
